Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Monergism vs. Synergism

This debate between Dr. James White and Dr. Michael Brown happened a few years ago. Since that time, these 2 brothers in the Lord have grown to have great love, respect and friendship for one another, and have worked together debating others on other theological topics. There is even rumor of them working together on other projects in the future. In all fairness to Dr. Brown, he is not comfortable with the theological terms monergism and synergism because I believe his reason basically is that these terms are too simplistic for a topic that is so difficult to wrap the finite mind around. Regardless, these are the words Dr. White used to title these debates and I have to call it something.

(Part 1) Monergism vs. Synergism on the The Dividing Line Radio Show 03/25/2010 - James White kicked off the two-part debate between himself and Michael Brown. James supposes it is the classical Calvinist/Arminian debate, but he prefers the monergism/synergism description instead. In any case, they covered verses James picked: John 6, Romans 8-9, and Ephesians 1 over the course of 90 minutes. It is fast paced with very little break in the action, that's for sure. In (Part 2 - below) they do it again, this time with a set of verses Michael has chosen.

james white monergism - audio.js

(Part 2) Monergism vs. Synergism Debate Part II 04/01/2010 - They took the gloves off today a bit, but remained within bounds for brothers in the Lord, as Michael and James debated again on The Dividing Line. They got down to some brass tacks, so to speak, in examining the foundations upon which Christians stand in examining the Scriptures. In this case Michael Brown chose verses: Luke 13:34-35, Matthew 23:37, Ezekiel 18, 2 Peter 2:1

james white monergism - audio.js

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled

The odds of one person fulfilling only a mere 8 of the messianic prophecies are 1 in 10 to the 17th power (1 in 1017). The odds then of Jesus or any one person fulfilling only 48 prophecies would be 1 in 10 to the 157th power (1 in 10157). The fact that over 330 were fulfilled by Jesus is beyond the realm of possibility without divine intervention. Here is a list of only 60.

Fulfilled Bible Prophecy Pertaining to Christ

Concerning his birth Prophesied Fulfilled
1. Born of the seed of woman Gen 3:15 Gal 4:4
2. Born of a virgin Isa 7:14 Mt 1:18-25
3. Seed of Abraham Gen 22:18 Mt 1:1
4. Seed of Isaac Gen 21:12 Lk 3:23+34
5. Seed of Jacob Num 24:17 Lk 3:34
6. Seed of David Jer 23:5 Lk 3:31
7. Tribe of Judah Gen 49:10 Rev 5:5
8. Family line of Jesse Isa 11:1 Lk 3:32
9. Born in Bethlehem Mic 5:2 Mt 2:1-6
10. Herod kills the children Jer 31:15 Mt 2:16-18
Concerning his nature Prophesied Fulfilled
11. He pre-existed creation Mic 5:2 1 Pet 1:20
12. He shall be called Lord Ps 110:1 Acts 2:36
13. Called Immanuel (God with us) Isa 7:14 Mt 1:22-23
14. Prophet Deut 18:18-19 Acts 3:18-25
15. Priest Ps 110:4 Heb 5:5-6
16. Judge Isa 33:22 Jn 5:22-23
17. King Ps 2:6 Jn 18:33-37
18. Anointed by the Spirit Isa 11:2 Mt 3:16-17
19. His zeal for God Ps 69:9 Jn 2:15-17
Concerning his ministry Prophesied Fulfilled
20. Preceded by a messenger Isa 40:3 Mt 3:1-3
21. To begin in Galilee Isa 9:1-2 Mt 4:12-17
22. Ministry of Miracles Isa 35:5-6 Mt 9:35;11:4
23. Teacher of parables Ps 78:1-4 Mt 13:34-35
24. He was to enter the temple Mal 3:1 Mt 21:10-12
25. Enter Jerusalem on donkey Zech 9:9 Mt 21:1-7
26. Stone of stumbling to Jews Isa 28:16; Ps 118:22 1 Pet 2:6-8
27. Light to Gentiles Isa 49:6 Acts 13:46-48
Concerning his Crucifixion Prophesied Fulfilled
28. Betrayed by a friend Ps 41:9 Jn 13:18-27
29. Sold for 30 pieces of silver Zech 11:12 Mt 26:14-15
30. 30 pieces thrown in Temple Zech 11:13 Mt 27:3-5
31. 30 pieces buys potters field Zech 11:13 Mt 27:6-10
32. Forsaken by His disciples Zech 13:7 Mk 14:27+50
33. Accused by false witnesses Ps 35:11+20-21 Mt 26:59-61
34. Silent before accusers Isa 53:7 Mt 27:12-14
35. Wounded and bruised Isa 53:4-6 1 Pet 2:21-25
36. Beaten and spit upon Isa 50:6 Mt 26:67-68
37. Mocked Ps 22:6-8 Mt 27:27-31
38. Fell under the cross Ps 109:24-25 Jn 19:17; Lk23:26
39. Hands and feet pierced Ps 22:16 Jn 20:24-28
40. Crucified with thieves Isa 53:12 Mt 27:38
41. Prayed for enemies Isa 53:12 Lk 23:34
42. Rejected by His own people Isa 53:3 Jn 19:14-15
43. Hated without cause Ps 69:4 Jn 15:25
44. Friends stood aloof Ps 38:11 Lk22:54;23:49
45. People wag their heads Ps 22:7;109:25 Mt 27:39
46. People stared at Him Ps 22:17 Lk 23:35
47. Cloths divided and gambled for Ps 22:18 Jn 19:23-24
48. Became very thirsty Ps 22:15 Jn 19:28
49. Gall and vinegar offered Him Ps 69:21 Mt 27:34
50. His forsaken cry Ps 22:1 Mt 27:46
51. Committed Himself to God Ps 31:5 Lk 23:46
52. Bones not broken Ps 34:20 Jn 19:32-36
53. Heart broken Ps 69:20;22:14 Jn 19:34
54. His side pierced Zech 12:10 Jn 19:34+37
55. Darkness over the land Amos 8:9 Lk 23:44-45
56. Buried in rich man's tomb Isa 53:9 Mt 27:57-60
Concerning his Resurrection Prophesied Fulfilled
57. Raised from the dead Ps 16:8-11 Acts 2:24-31
58. Begotten as Son of God Ps 2:7 Acts 13:32-35
59. Ascended to God Ps 68:18 Eph 2:8-10
60. Seated beside God Ps 110:1 Heb 1:3+13