
Monday, March 20, 2023

God’s Sovereign Election

God’s Sovereign Election

© 2010 George Dunn

When we examine the scriptures, we should see that our Lord Jesus, the Apostle Paul, John, and John the Baptist, have all given witness that for those who believe, God has first done something within them so that they can believe.
This subject is one that can make some men squirm and sometimes just downright angry! …

We are addressing the doctrine of election; and although the doctrine of God’s election can be received with demur, we must stand firm in acknowledging and sharing the entire council of biblical truths in love to others. Many of the messages in the bible can agitate the senses of men.  For example, the Gospel is always at first an offense because it exposes our sinfulness and inability to proudly save ourselves from a just condemnation. That God has even provided One way at all to be saved is another of these messages that can be met with vehement objections and obstinacy. But God wants us to share the Gospel regardless of opposition; for it is the power of God unto salvation for those who believe.  Once a person professes belief in Christ, they now should be discipled;  being taught the apostles doctrines and one of these is election.